St. Paul DUI Defense Lawyer
DUI is one of the most common crimes that Minnesotans are arrested for. It can happen in the blink of an eye, you go from driving home after dinner to being asked about “how much” from a police officer with a flashlight in your face. Almost as suddenly you’re being asked to submit to a portable breath test and placed under arrest. Many people are so shocked and embarrassed after a DUI charge that they want to plead guilty just to “make it go away”.
Why You Should Fight Your DUI Charge
Consuming alcohol and then driving a car is legal assuming you are under the limit of .08%, which is why police and highway patrol will give a breath test; to determine your BAC (blood alcohol concentration). Even if you are found to be over the legal limit, there are defenses available. Do not assume you are guilty; contact an experienced DUI defense lawyer before it’s too late.
How intoxicated does someone have to be before they can be convicted of driving under the influence?
In Minnesota, any blood alcohol level of .08 or higher will subject you to conviction. However, your driving skills are affected from the first drink of alcohol. Your ability to pay attention, react, see clearly, maintain coordination, and make good choices are impaired with each drink.
How many drinks can I have before being over .08?
It is not the number of drinks alone that determines how high your blood alcohol levels are. Wine, beer, mixed drinks and hard liquor have different percentages of alcohol so it’s more important to focus on how much total alcohol you have consumed over a certain period of time. Additionally, your impairment and your blood alcohol levels are influenced by gender, age, weight, amount and type of food you have eaten, medications, and other factors.
Do I have to take a blood, breath, or urine test if asked to do so by the police?
The answer is almost always “yes” because refusing to do so is considered a Gross Misdemeanor in Minnesota. If you refuse to take a test when you are stopped your license may be revoked for at least a year.
I tested under the legal limit and I’m still charged with DWI, is that legal? The answer is “yes”. A person can be charged and convicted even if their blood alcohol concentration is below the legal limit if the alleged improper driving conduct establishes that the driver is “under the influence” of alcohol.
How can the police find out whether a driver is under the influence?
Police typically use three methods of determining whether a driver is impaired:
- Observation. A police officer will pull you over if you are swerving, speeding, driving too slowly, or failing to stop.
- Sobriety tests. If you have been pulled over and the police officer suspects you have been drinking, you will probably be asked to get out of the car and stand on one leg, walk a straight line or recite the alphabet. If you do not do well on the tests, the officer may arrest you or ask you to take chemical tests to determine your blood-alcohol level.
- Blood-alcohol level. The measurement of alcohol in your blood can be taken directly by drawing a blood sample or a mathematical formula using the amount of alcohol in your breath or urine.
Contact an Experienced DUI Defense Lawyer Today
Do not make the mistake of going to court unprepared and without a lawyer. There are time constraints that we need to work within for a comprehensive and effective DUI defense. Contact me right away to protect your driver’s license, freedom and future.
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